Akai Katana, a scrolling shooter originally published in 2010, is landing on the Xbox 360 this spring in North America.
Publisher Rising Star Games (The King of Fighters XIII, No More Heroes) previously confirmed a simultaneous arrival in both Europe and North America. Akai Katana is the first of developer Cave's releases to feature horizontal combat in HD and full 16:9 support. Players can choose from three modes: Origin (Arcade) Mode with an option for two-player co-op, Slash Mode, and Climax Mode. Below is a description of the game as listed on RSG's website:
Set in a parallel world resembling Japan's Taisho period, the people have discovered the powerful Blood Swords. Requiring human sacrifices to unleash their immense destructive power, these swords have been used by the empire to crush neighbouring countries. However, all the bloodshed and power gained through sacrificing close family members has made some of the swordsmen reconsider. With new fighter planes and the powered up swords at their disposal, this small band of rebels now fight back against the tyrannical empire.
An official release date is forthcoming.
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