Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed will feature dual voice-overs

XSEED have been my personal heroes for a while now. Not only are they willing to bring over games to the West that normally would have stayed only in Japan, but it seems like they tend to go the extra mile. Case in point, Akiba's Trip. This could have easily been a simple Japanese port with English subtitles, but instead, the PS3 and Vita title will feature dual voice-overs, Japanese and English.

That's amazing considering the game has over 10,000 spoken lines of dialogue. In a post by Siliconera, the game took 16 days to record, as opposed to Y's The Oath in Felghana took only four.

XSEED hopes that the dual language feature will appeal to a wider audience, and judging from the response, that seems to be true. Although the game still does revolve around a very niche subject, undressing Japanese vampire girls. No matter how attractive you might want to make that package, there will still only be a certain group of gamers that find that desirable.

With that said, I honestly hope that Akiba's Trip does really well. As someone who considered importing it literally a week before the US announcement was made, I'm super pumped.

Additionally, right on the heels of Nintendo's unfortunate PR nightmare regarding same sex marriage in the upcoming Tomodachi Life, XSEED has announced that it will support male wallpapers in the in-game cellphone, as opposed to the previous female-only ones that were available in the Japanese version. Way to be progressive guys!