Alan Wake: American Nightmare or John Stamos: Full House?

If I’m living in a nightmarish novel like reality with the darkness consuming everything, I would only feel safe if I looked identical to John Stamos.  I know I’m not alone in this feeling.  The reason I know I’m not alone is because Microsoft Studios and Remedy have molded Alan Wake in Alan Wake: American Nightmare to look nearly identical to John Stamos – have mercy!

I severely doubt this this was their intention and by no means did the studios officially announce this… but the proof is in the pudding.  Uncle Jessie is back and he’ll single handedly protect the Tanners from Mr. Scratch and his evil plots.

Alan Wake: American Nightmare will be released exclusively on Xbox LIVE Arcade – February 22.  The cost will be 1200 Microsoft Points.  Help Alan save Becky Alice in the town of Night Springs.