After Gearbox’s successful E3 showcase, which included Borderlands 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines, public dismay hit the Internet when Gearbox’s Brian Burleson said there were no playable female characters in the upcoming Aliens title. An official petition quickly followed that currently holds over 3,800 signatures and is supported by several of the 1986 Aliens film's actors and actresses that performed the roles of marines. According to Randy Pitchford, though, Burleson had claimed there were no playable characters for the team-deathmatch E3 demo and to back up that claim, Gearbox officially unveiled a playable, female marine for multiplayer during this past week's PAX Prime in Seattle.
Along with the game's main character, Cpl. Christopher Winters, friends will be able to step into the roles of Pvt. Demarcus Short, Pvt . Guillermo Quintaro, and Pvt. Jennifer Redding Quintaro for multiplayer. Pitchford made it clear to Kotaku that he wanted to confirm a female presence for multiplayer, but couldn’t until they were “ready.”
This entire situation just goes to show everyone that an official petition that’s friendly yet precise can go places, even if their reason for the document is somewhat in vain due to Gearbox’s initial plans. Will you be picking up the upcoming Aliens title now, or were you never swayed not to? Let us know by commenting below.
Source: [Kotaku]