Despite the Walt Disney Company achieving the largest quarterly earnings in the history of the company, Disney Interactive continues to under perform.
According to the Walt Disney's reported earnings for its third fiscal quarter, Disney Interactive, the gaming portion of the company, was the only division to operate at a loss.
Interactive revenue for the quarter decreased 22% to $196 million. Segment operating results were a loss of $42 billion, which is actually an improvement to last year's loss of $86 billion.The "improved results" and lower product development costs are due to the company's "ongoing shift from console games to social and other interactive platforms".
With that being said, Disney hasn't entirely given up on console game development. Junction Point is currently developing Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, a highly anticipated sequel which could determine Disney's future role in console game development. The studio's fate, however, could rest on the sales of Epic Mickey 2 when it releases in November of this year. So let's all be good lads and support Junction Point by picking up Epic Mickey 2, which I'm actually really excited for.