Amazon Digital Game Sale Begins Today on Digital Day

Gale sale begins as part of Amazon's Digital Day sales

As we reported a few days ago, the Amazon Digital Day has arrived today in the form of discounted games, movies and more!

Today begins Amazon Digital Day, and with it comes tons of gaming titles all on pretty hefty sales, and not just on PC either. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is on sale for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One for discounted rates hovering around $35-$40. They've even got games categorized by how much of a sale they're on, making saving money on games even easier. There are plenty of other games on sale here.

This sale lasts for one day only, so make your decisions quickly before they all go back to normal price. For those interested in more than just games, Amazon is offering deals on thousands of TV shows, movies, music and apps here!