Earlier this month, Persona 5 fans who ordered from Amazon were treated to an unfortunate email from Amazon that said their order of the Take Your Heart limited edition was cancelled. The email said the order was cancelled due to the fact the game contained "dangerous items", but no specifics were given. Some fans did get to keep their order but many had theirs cancelled.
Today, users woke up to another surprise telling them their order had not actually been cancelled and to make up for the mishap, Amazon would send them their limited edition of Persona 5 free of charge! Some users are even reporting that the game is shipping early as well. Isn't that nice?
@Wario64 OMG!!!! I really love them pic.twitter.com/KQ0mLRS3Jc
— abdullah alhumaidan (@BroFysoR_) March 28, 2017
Sadly, for those who didn't have their order cancelled, they'll still have to pay for their copy of the game.
Persona 5 releases April 5th, 2017 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.