The Olympics have provided us with plenty of entertainment over the past few days, but there's one athlete who has been getting quite a bit of attention – and not I'm not talking about Simone Biles. Swimmer Michael Phelps was caught with his angry face on before a race and Photoshop wizards have used it to create glorious things.
The lovely Photoshoppers on Reddit have grabbed Michael Phelps' intense stare and offered him up for Photoshop Battles. Let's be honest, if you're on TV someone, somewhere is probably grabbing a picture of you and using it for something. That's just how the internet is.
Redditor Austria_Gang let us in on a huge secret, Phelps is actually Reaper from Overwatch:
"Death swims among you"
Of course, he could also be a couple different characters from Star Wars too….
Although, it makes the most sense that Phelps is actually from Avatar – considering his water skills.