Angry Birds Is the Best-Selling PSN Game … Already

It seems like everyone has played Angry Birds, and the game has just set a landslide record. Despite only launching this past January, Angry Birds has already outsold every single game on the PlayStation Network, according to Lazard Capital Markets’ Colin Sebastian.

Sebastian revealed the quite astonishing fact in an interview with Industry Gamers. Success came from the PSN’s capture of more casual users through their non-subscription model and microtransaction services.

He didn’t give any specific sales figures, but he did delve into the numbers surrounding current PSN users. “The PSN currently has 75M registered accounts WW (half of which are in NA), with over 1.4B pieces of content downloaded since launch,” Sebastian said. “PSN appears to be gaining traction tapping into the casual and social gaming market with titles such as Angry Birds.”

Angry Birds is known for its domination of the iPhone market, but few people expected it to achieve similar success on consoles. The game runs at $3.99–a full $3 more than the iPhone version–but that hasn’t stopped it from owning the PSN. Will sales fare just as well on the Xbox Live Arcade? Probably. It could be released as a flickbook and still sell en masse.