This year’s biggest mobile success story is no doubt Rovio’s Angry Birds, which has dominated the top spot on the App Store since its release just over a year ago. Rovio self-published a follow-up, Angry Birds Seasons, which held a death grip on the number two spot up until Infinity Blade’s release earlier this month.
With over 50 million downloads across iOS platforms and Android, Angry Birds is already set to dethrone some long-running franchises’ records. Bejeweled, for instance, is sitting pretty with 50 million games sold/downloaded since its initial release. Likewise, The Legend of Zelda franchise is at 59 million, a number Angry Birds will no doubt topple with planned releases for PC, Mac, and all three this-gen consoles, not to mention a proper sequel that’s already in the works.
To be fair, a large number of those downloads may include free or Lite versions, but it’s still a jaw-dropping milestone for an app that’s only just had its first birthday. How long until Angry Birds fever dies down? I’m not sure, why don’t we ask Pokemon how long it took for that fad to be over. Oh, wait…