Realtime Worlds, developer of APB: All Points Bulletin has confirmed layoffs at the studio. This comes after rumors began circulating this morning of drastic job cuts. However, the studio intends to remain committed to APB. It has also been rumored that Realtime Worlds will potentially be forced to sell its new franchise.
The Scotland-based developer issued an official statement in order to help clear things up. According to Realtime Worlds, the “supporting infrastructure for a game inevitably changes once released, and those staff that couldn’t be redeployed to new projects in the Art, Audio, Coding, Design, Production, and QA departments have regrettably been made redundant.”
While it’s unfortunate that there will be more developers without jobs, it sounds as though it’s standard practice to release some staff on an MMO once a game ships. Regardless, the studio is supposedly not in dire straits as was originally thought to be the case.
Via VG247