Last year's April Fools' Day was ripe with drama and jokes. We saw Frostbite make a joke about the Wii U, one they had to apologize for later on. There were things as wild as Journey getting a Death Match mode and a fully playable Guild Wars 2 "Super Adventure Box" that took you to a retro-inspired world.
There were even game reveals that seemed unbelievable, but turned out to be real! Case and point: Far Cry Blood Dragon. Ubisoft revealed this mastermind of a game on April Fools' Day, which only further backs up the theory that you simply cannot trust anyone in gaming tomorrow.
What's happening tomorrow? Well, whether it's due to a different time zone or just excitement in general, some companies have already started with the jokes. What do we know so far? What are we questioning? There's only one answer — a list:
These guys have their sweaty little tenticles all over the world, so it makes sense that they already revealed their little prank. Head over to Google Maps to experience playing Pac-Man in your city streets.
Google Panda
A brand new product from Google, Panda will answer all of your questions. It's similar to Apple's Siri where you ask it questions and it responds in a creepy robot voice (imagine it creeping towards you at night, reciting internet things).
Dying Light is getting crazy physics (watch the video here), think Goat Simulator physics. Zombies will be flying in every direction and exploding, thanks to your extra strong fists of fury. The physics will only be around for one day (4/1/15).
These guys confirmed Roll Matsuri in Japan — they are a day ahead of North America.
Yes, the guys behind Space Invaders are still around and they opened up a spa arcade. There are plenty of hot springs, arcades, ice cream and food. (It's not real, but we can dream)
Sqare Enix announced Tekken x Lord of Vermillion, a game with over 765 characters battling each other in the style of Tekken's 3D fighting style. Check it out.
The worlds first smart knife, it's filled with cutting edge technology. It's water proof, has a diamond edge blade, can take pictures of food, and is totally fake!
In League of Legends, April Fools' Day is actually Urf day — the manatee champion's day. In respect to Urf there will be plenty of Urf day skins and a new game mode — Ultra Rapid Fire Mode, s slo-mo mode. Check it out.
【おしらせ】 明日のエイプリルフールには参加しません。
— セガ公式アカウント (@SEGA_OFFICIAL) March 31, 2015
They aren't partaking in April Fools' Day.
There are plenty more April Fools' Day jokes coming, this is just the start. Let's see what tomorrow reveals…
Send me the April Fools' Day stuff you find! @TatiMo_GZ