Armello looks like my next PS4 obsession

Cute little animals battle for power in a Game of Thrones-esque fantasy world

Recently, me and the folk at GameZone have begun to delve into the realm of tabletop gaming. Every week the guys gather together and partake in a rousing night of board game playing. So when League of Geeks revealed Armello, a new PlayStation 4 game inspired by tabletop games, naturally my ears perked up.

"Set in a vibrant magical world with a tinge of darkness, our game, Armello, is a multiplayer digital board game that thrusts players into a Game of Thrones-esque struggle for power," League of Geek's Trent Kusters describes Armello as.

And do I really need to say more? If that doesn't do enough convincing, perhaps the screenshots and trailer of this grim fairy-tale board game come to life will do the trick.

Admittedly, I still don't know too much about the game, but LoG promises "swashbuckling adventure combining deep, tactical card play, rich tabletop strategy and RPG elements." 

According to the post on the PlayStation Blog, you'll play as one of eight unique Heroes from the animal clans of Armello, and compete for the crown while the mad lion king terrorizes the Kingdom from the seeming safety of his Royal Palace. Seeing as how this game is still new to me, you're better off reading Kusters' breakdown of Armello's gameplay:

"Heroes start in their clan grounds and use action points to traverse the board. Each hex tile presents different consequences including mysterious encounters, exploring a dungeon, capturing a town for your clan or improving a Hero’s health. Players won’t just be battling each other as they move across the board on their quest for the crown though, horrifying Banes stalk the land and terrorize the local populace, and the King’s Guards aren’t unfamiliar with slaying a guard or two in the name of the ‘law’. Atop all this, you’ll have an arsenal of over 100 fully animated cards at your disposal."

Armello will be released on PlayStation 4 this September.

Armell PS4 gameplay

Armello PS4 gameplay