Developer Shin'en's Art of Balance on WiiWare was a great physics-based puzzler. The game launched two summers ago, and it delivered a rewarding experience that was both totally functional and completely enthralling. The single-player mode gave you a reason to progress through several different challenging stages, and the multiplayer allowed you to take on your friends for bragging rights.
Now it looks like the game is being moved over to the 3DS eShop. Developer Shin'en will bring Art of Balance TOUCH! to Nintendo's handheld in early June in North America. An exact release date hasn't been announced, but it looks like it will be just a tad early for the game's two-year anniversary.
Art of Balance TOUCH! feature 200 levels across eight worlds, new endurance modes, high scores, all new challenges (a few of which are showcased in the game's trailer), and brand new touch screen controls. Whether the game will feature a multiplayer component remains to be seen at the moment, but let's hope Art of Balance TOUCH! does sport some sort of competitive mode, because that was one of the best modes in the original.
That said, if the game controls well and delivers the same type of amazingly rewarding puzzle experience as the WiiWare version, it will definitely be worth checking out regardless of whether or not it features multiplayer. Watch out for this one, because Art of Balance TOUCH! may be the first worthwhile eShop game to come along in some time.
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