Augusta Tower (300 AF) Room Puzzle Guide | Final Fantasy XIII-2 Walkthrough

Serah and Noel are exploring the mysterious Augusta Tower, trying to set this future world right. Can they solve the mystery of the puzzle rooms?
Topics Covered:
-Rotating Rooms in the Augusta Tower
-Using the Moogle toss to find hidden items
-Summoning the 1st floor elevator
-How to fight the Flanitor
-Adding the Flanitor (Medic) to your Paradigm Pack
-Summoning the 2nd floor elevator
-Deciphering the Academy Datanet Password
-Finding the Entropy Board Fragment
-Finding Access Key 50
-Items Found: 800 Gil, 9 Mana Slivers, 2 Potions, 8 Vitality Bolts, 6 Vitality Slivers, Librascope, Phoenix Down