‘Avatar 2’ delayed

Pochahontas 2 Dances with Wolves 2 Avatar 2 isn't going to be ready any time soon. Considering how long the first one took, did you think that the sequel would be rushed to theaters? While Producer John Landau hinted that Avatar 2 probably wouldn't be released by 2014 back in April, director James Cameron gave a real update. In speaking with the New York Times, Cameron revealed that Avatar 2 definitely won't be released "until 2015 or later." My question: will anyone really care about an Avatar sequel six years after the original? I mean, people really aren't clamoring for one now.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Avatar. I thought the 3D actually enhanced the movie because it was done the right way. It was entertaining. Was it the strongest story? No. But it was enjoyable. I'm not psyched for a sequel though; I don't really know where they could go with it and how they could make it different.

In his time speaking to the paper, Cameron explained that he is hard at work on the scripts for Avatar parts two and three. That's right, a trilogy. But there's also talks of an Avatar 4 — yes, before the sequels are even a hit — to which James Cameron haven't ruled out.

How eager are you to see Avatar 2?

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ