Barrow-wight Lord joins the Guardians of Middle-earth cast

The great evil and promise of power is nearly enough to corrupt any man. For the Barrow-wight Lord, it was only a matter of time until his immense power in life became corrupted enough to carry his abilities over in death. Now he spends his undeath attempting to destroy what he once tried to rule over and protect.

The Barrow-wight Lord is an enchanter that brings some unique powers to Guardians of Middle-earth. How about his passive that allows him to keep on fighting and teleporting after death? That’s a good one. Anytime a character has life stealing ability I’m pretty much on board. Check out his abilities below:

  • Barrow’s Torment: Damages enemy Guardian or creature initially and over time
  • Drain the Soul: Life steals from a single target
  • Chilling Touch: Reduces enemy Guardian or creature attack speed while increasing own
  • Undeath: Passive death immunity, teleport and damage an enemy while undead

Intrigued? The Barrow-wight Lord can be bought for $2 or 160 Microsoft Points; he is also part of the Season Pass. Check his trailer out above and get your undeath on.