Batman: Arkham Knight delayed, PS4 gameplay revealed

There's good and bad news: a look at killer gameplay and a delay.

Previously due out on June 2, 2015 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, Batman: Arkham Knight has been delayed 21 days for undisclosed reasons. While this is only our own speculation, the reason for the delay — based on just about every other next-gen game — might come from a need for fine tuning, optimization, or last minute bug fixes.

To make up for the delay, at least a new video was released showing off some pretty prestine gameplay. 

The announcement for the delay itself was interesting, as the wording was "We are pleased to announce our new release date." That's almost like saying, your brand new car was supposed to arrive on the second of the month, but we are happy to say that it won't be coming until the 23rd! 

Regardless, a 21 day delay is better than a delay of a couple months (I'm looking at you Witcher 3).

The new gameplay video, taken directly from the PlayStation 4, is ripe with action — it shows off combat, a Batmobile car chase, great graphics, some rough interrogations, and plenty of other things that will leave you clamoring for the original release date.
