Batman v Superman’s Robin suit confirmed as Jason Todd’s

We figured it was anyway

Batman v Superman had its issues no doubt, but it was sprinkled with little bits of a larger, darker (and frankly) more interesting backstory. One of those things was the Robin suit that Ben Affleck's Batman gazes upon during the movie with the words "HAHA Joke's on you Batman" written on it. Many fans have surmised what Warner Brothers has just confirmed in a small video on their Facebook page; the suit belonged to Jason Todd.

One of the things that Warner Brothers has been trying to push with this new Batman, is the older, more experienced and more damaged angle for the character. One of the best potential storylines to accomplish this is the "A Death in the Family" storyline from the comics where The Joker kills Jason Todd by beating him with a crowbar and leaving him to die in an explosion. 

His eventual resurrection in the Lazarus Pit and return as The Red Hood is really where the Jason Todd character took off, and many are speculating that the solo Batman movie will revolve around this storyline. 

Source: Facebook via Batman News