Battlefield 1 beta feedback brings changes to Conquest, tanks, and more

"You have spoken, we have listened!"

After a wildly successful beta, DICE has announced that they are taking all of your feedback into account and will be changing aspects of the final game based off of certain criticisms.

"When we build a new Battlefield game it's important for us to try new things, we want to stay fresh and renew the franchise with each new installment," lead world designer Daniel Berlin said in a new blog post. "However, it's equally as important that we take the feedback that you, the community, are giving us."

Battlefield 1's alpha and beta changed some of the rules of one of its most classic game modes and fans weren't totally ok with that. The new updated Conquest mode changed its rules to where the score increases depending on the amount of flags you control on the map. In previous Battlefield games, the score would increase depending on the amount of flags you control and the amount of people you killed. It only makes sense that kills should affect the score especially with the introduction of behemoths (the train and blimp).

"The next time you play the game, capturing the objectives AND getting kills will both contribute towards the final score of a Conquest match," Berlin said. "You have spoken, we have listened!"

Berlin also vaguely suggested that some changes will be made to the other Battlefield mode, Rush.

"We have also been monitoring and listening to your comments in regards to the Rush game mode," Berlin continued. "It's super exciting for us to bring back Rush for Battlefield 1, and we are aiming to make it the best Rush experience to date. We are making tweaks to the game mode as we speak with your feedback as the backbone to the entire process."

Berlin also confirmed the incredibly powerful vehicles like tanks and horses will be nerfed in several different ways including health and the amount of damage it does to enemies.

"We're also looking into balancing other elements, including the weapons and vehicles," he said. "The Light Tank, which is a bit too effective in the open beta, will definitely receive some work, and we agree that horses can take a few too many rounds at the moment. We've also learned through the beta that you guys need more tools to deal with vehicles earlier, which we'll definitely look into (including a gadget for the Support class which should help neutralize powerful vehicles)."

It's great to see DICE taking such important feedback into account to make a better game. It seems they have learned from past games and are taking extra steps to make fans happy.

Battlefield 1 releases October 21st on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
