Battlefield 1 is officially the biggest launch in DICE’s history


Welp, we probably should have known that this was coming, but Battlefield 1 is now (according to DICE) the biggest launch in both the franchise's and company's history. In a new post on DICE's official website, the developer laid out some seriously impressive and in-depth statistics about Battlefield 1 to this point.

Since the game launched back on October 21st, players from all over the world have put in over 59 million hours worth of gameplay with 9 million of those being spent in the game's Operations Mode. 

Here's a breakdown of the other statistics:

  • 32 Million Battlepacks have been earned
  • 1.6 Million Behemoths have been deployed
  • Most melee kills have been made with the Scout Knife
  • 123,084 horses have been killed by Flame Troopers, Anti-Vehicle, and Sentries (sad face)
  • Conquer Hell has been the most popular Operation to date
  • 842,426 Carrier Pidgeons have been sent in War Pidgeons mode
  • Ground vehicles have produced the most road kills with 1,667,353
  • The average number of weather changes per match is 2

We loved Battlefield 1 in our Official Review, and the game is due to receive a massive update that will bring two new modes to the game among other things.

Source: [DICE]