Battlefield 3 Double XP week begins today

July's Double XP event for Battlefield 3 begins today. Unlike the previous event open only to Premium members, all BF3 players will be able to gain double experience points.

Beginning today, Battlefield 3 Premium members will get an entire week of double XP, while non-Premium members will get two and a half days of it. This event will double your net gain at the end of the round on any map and mode from the base game or expansion packs, as long as you play on ranked servers.

Double XP for Premium members begins today and will run until July 8th, while the double XP for non-Premium members will conclude on July 4th (you should also check out the Assassin's Creed 3 Independence Day trailer…it's awesome!).

The event began at 00:01 PDT/07:01 UTC today. Here's a handy time conversion tool to help those outside of the regions.