Battlefield Hardline pokes fun at Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with Easter Egg

Press F to pay respects

If you played Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, you will remember the funeral scene well. It is the scene that had you interact with a coffin, the attempt was that the player would feel sad…but instead came off as a "Press F for feels." The interaction broke the tone of the scene and has been mocked ever since.

Much like AMD when Nvidia flubbed, Battlefield Hardline devs saw an opportunity to poke fun at Call of Duty and like any responsible competitor, they took the opportunity.

During the campaign mode in Hardline players will make their way into a multi-part missions titled "Sovereign Land." In the second part of this mission, players will come across a fresh grave equipped with flies and a shovel stuck in it. Analyzing the grave will reveal that it is the final resting place of an ATF Agent.

Approaching the grave will reveal a "Press E to pay respects." You can guess what happens next…

We already know that Hardline isn't taking itself too seriously, considering that there is a driveable couch in the game.

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