Battlefield Hardline reveals the American Dream is a driveable couch

It's no dinosaur, but I'll take it.

If you thought the American Dream was to own your own house, have a reliable job, and have a dog, you're wrong. The real dream is to have comfortable seats wherever you go — a drivable couch. Visceral Games and EA know this and are using Battlefield Hardline's launch as an opportunity to show you the true American Dream.

While you're playing Hardline for the next ten hours (through the nifty EA Access trial), you should jump into the Dust Bowl Hotwire game mode and check out the vehicle called "American Dream." It's fitting that a couch is a dream form of transportation for what is one of the most obese nations in the world. 

It might look like a couch to some, but others see it for what it is — the most comfortable vehicle for butt-kicking you have ever seen. When people stack up on the couch, it almost looks like an awkward family photo. There's the one guy on the armrest and the other guy sitting on the back of the couch.

Words will never do this couch justice, so see it for yourself:

Now that we have the American Dream, let's get some free roaming llamas and a black and blue dress costume pack.

Battlefield Hardline hits the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on March 17th.