Bejeweled 3 is free on Origin

Continuing to provide incentive for gamers to use Origin (aside from just about every EA game using the service), Electronic Arts is giving away Bejeweled 3 "On The House."

The program, which debuted back in March with Dead Space for free, gives players full games or expansions at absolutely no cost. And once you claim them, they are yours to keep forever — no catch. Well, technically the only caveat is that these On the House specials can appear and disappear at any time. Thankfully, EA usually gives us a heads up.

"Our goal is to provide a great gaming experience and a way to discover awesome new games. Having a game in your library, for free, is a fantastic way to see what Origin is all about," EA says of the new program.

Bejeweled 3 can be download on PC or Mac via Origin right now, so get to it.