Ben Affleck’s solo Batman movie is ‘a year and a half out’ says Time Warner CEO

Not as far off as you might have thought

For all of the criticisms aimed at Batman v Superman, very few of them had to do with Ben Affleck's portrayal of The Dark Knight. While Affleck is busy with his Executive Producer role on the Justice League movie, he is also moving full steam ahead with his responsibilities on the solo Batman film. Apparently, enough progress has been made that the CEO of Time Warner, Jeff Bewkes is confident that the movie will be out in under two years.

He said:

"The reboot of Batman with Ben Affleck was a big success…He’s going to be EP on Justice League and that’s helpful to that team. 

Ben announced a Batman movie [that] he’s going to direct, star, write for – I think it’s a year and a half out. So, the strategy worked.”

While there isn't a whole lot known about the solo Batman movie, we do know that his main adversary will be Deathstroke (played by Joe Manganiello), and he looks awesome. Personally, I just hope the solo Batman film will be a super-hero movie that doesn't contribute to the genre fatigue.

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