Best Buy offers a cheap way to get an Xbox One

Or anything for cheap, really.

If you've been pining for a new Xbox One, but don't have $350 to put towards one – Best Buy might have the offer you've been looking for. Until October 3, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners will be able to trade in their consoles for a brand spankin' new Xbox One.

If you trade in an Xbox 360 or PS3 at Best Buy, you'll get a $75 coupon, if the system is an Xbox 360 250GB E Series model or the PS3 250GB slim system, you'll get double that! Technically, you could apply your credits towards anything – but if you choose an Xbox One you could grab one for $200.

There are limits to the deal with trading in consoles though, the Xbox 360 or PS3 must not only be able to power on, but it can't be damaged or have their warranty broken — also, the console needs its power cord. The deal isn't for online purchases, only in-store… So, call Best Buy before you head out there to see if they are participating. No need to waste gas unnecessarily.

[via GameSpot]