Beta sign-ups now open for World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition

At Microsoft's E3 press conference, Wargaming took the stage to unveil World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition, the console premiere of the publisher/developer's hugely popular free-to-play team-based action MMO.

While World of Tanks has thrived on PC since its release in 2010, the epic battles featuring historically accurate armored vehicles will now be offered on the Xbox 360. It will contain massive team battles with up to 30 tanks at a time, customization, and multiple game modes including Standard, Encounter, and Assault.

Standard battles are intense capture scenarios where both teams attempt to secure the opposing base. Encounter battles offer only one base to capture, and both teams will fight tooth and nail to possess it. Assault mode will provide a pitched battle between attackers and the defender.

You can sign up for a chance to access World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition beta here.
