Bethesda announces Elder Scrolls Online loyalty program

As a way of thanking "loyal" Elder Scrolls Online players, Bethesda is rolling out a program that will reward paid subscribers with special in-game items.

Starting in September, anyone who has been a paid subscriber to the MMORPG for three months — not including the game time offered with the original game purchase or any other additional complimentary game time — will receive a High Hrothgar Wraith vanity pet that will "let you show your dedication to saving Tamriel" regardless of where you are.

Bethesda will begin emailing all eligible paid subscribers next month with the first details of the loyalty program, which the company says will keep expanding over time. The next reward hasn't yet been revealed yet, but will be granted for those who have been subscribed for six months.

If you haven't yet met those requirements, just keep playing. Bethesda promises you'll still be able to get the pets and other upcoming rewards once you meet the requirements.