Bethesda is finding themselves on the defensive over their paid Creation Club content

'Mini DLC' or paid mods?

Bethesda is finding themselves on the defensive over their paid Creation Club content

Bethesda has found themselves in the midst of controversy, which is nothing new for gaming. This time the target of gamer angst is the Creation Club, which Bethesda VP of PR and Marketing at Bethesda is adamantly referring to as "mini DLC" while a very loud segment of gamers is deeming "paid mods." Neither side seems willing to give in to the other (shocker, I know), but Hines has been active in defense of the program, even finding himself in debates with fans on Twitter.

Bethesda explicitly states on their Creation Club FAQ that "Mods will remain a free and open system where anyone can create and share what they’d like." The Creation Club provides content created internally or contracted by third parties to make that is "approved, curated, and taken through the full internal dev cycle" before being made available for purchase.

Problems are stemming from the fact that much of what's currently available in the Creation Club can be had for free. Here's a screengrab of a few of the offerings:

Bethesda is finding themselves on the defensive over their paid Creation Club content

None of it appears to be particularly substantial, which is causing fans to think that the content is no different than a mod. Pete Hines, however, insists that its "Mini DLC." Check out this Twitter exchange he had with a fan.

Bethesda is finding themselves on the defensive over their paid Creation Club content

Much like politics, the Creation Club has quickly become a hot button topic. But I'll leave you to form your own opinion on who's right and who's wrong.

Sources: [Twitter, NeoGAF]