Better Call Saul and Far Cry 3 star cast in Spider-Man: Homecoming

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

The man who played arguably one of the best video game villains of all time has been cast in our favorite Marvel character's standalone film, Spider-Man: Homecoming! The role given to Michael Mando remains a mystery at this time but we will surely get some light shed at either San Diego Comic-Con or Disney's event, D23.

Michael Mando is an incredible actor with loads of range and variety as seen in both of his roles on Better Call Saul and Far Cry 3. It'll be interesting to see what type of role he plays as he can play both friend or foe and can take the intensity in his acting to different levels at the snap of a finger.

The film is already packed with loads of other stars like Michael Starr from Silicon Valley, Michael Keaton, Donald Glover, Robert Downey Jr. and many others. Marvel is being very secretive about pretty much everybody's role with only Tom Holland, Marisa Tomei, and Robert Downey Jr. having their roles revealed.

Spider-Man: Homecoming started filming earlier this month and will release July 7th, 2017.