Last week, PlayStation Plus subscribers, assuming they picked up a PS4, enjoyed two free titles: Contrast and Resogun. While both are still completely free to download and play, Sony is offering two new games to PlayStation owners who may not have upgraded as quickly. Available tomorrow, PS3 owners will get Binary Domain, while PS Vita players will be offered Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.
Those who have yet to upgrade (or maybe you still have a PS3 filled with a backlog of games to play) can enjoy Binary Domain, a third-person squad-based shooter with a built-in Consequence System that can impact the way your squad views you and reacts to your orders, as well as how the storyline progresses.
For Vita owners, you can download Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, an action-adventure where you step into the role of Stranger, a bounty hunter set out to capture troublemakers and scoundrels.
So if you don't have a PS4 (or even if you do), feel free to download these two games for free and enjoy them at your own leisure.
[PS Blog]