BioShock opening scene remade in HD on CryEngine and we want more

...As in, we want an HD remake from 2K.

It wasn't long ago that we saw Super Mario 64 get an awesome remake in HD via Unity, you could even download the first level and play! While Nintendo didn't let that remake live for very long, a new remake (of a slightly newer game) has surfaced to take its place.

In February of 2014 we saw the BioShock developer, Irrational Games close its doors for good. Irrational didn't go out of the video game scene quietly, they released the last installment of the BioShock series, BioShock Infinite, in 2013.

A dedicated BioShock fan took the opening level scenes of BioShock and rendered them in CryEngine for a shiny HD remake of the first area. Of course, the remake is lacking the airplane coming down in flames and isn't perfect (it's kind of dark), but it makes you realize that you have a thirst for an HD remake of the game.

Of course, if you're on PC you have mods that bring the gameplay to new levels, but console players don't have that luxury. Behold the HD remake below and the original opening scene below it for comparison:

Original opening for comparison:

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