BioWare dev reveals Mass Effect: Andromeda will have “full nudity,” will be like a “softcore space porn”

Alien sweater puppies!

The Mass Effect: Andromeda developers have been sharing quite a bit of information on the upcoming addition to the Mass Effect franchise. They have been talking at length about all of the weaponsvarious profiles, and skills we will be using, as well as another feature in the game – the banging.

Recently, the developers revealed that players would be able to have one night stands in Mass Effect: Andromeda as a part of the sexual adventures players can choose to partake in. BioWare's general manager, Aaryn Flynn, has revealed a few more details on this aspect of the game, saying that there will be "full nudity" in the game and that it will essentially be a "softcore space porn".

Aaryn Flynn

Basically, there will be naked aliens in Andromeda, but we don't know what part of the aliens we will be seeing. Of course, fans asked if this was a real detail of the game or just a troll from BioWare. Flynn clarified that he isn't trolling, it will be space porn.

It makes sense that the Australian classification rated the game MA15+ with “strong sex scenes and violence,” Additionally, the European rating for Mass Effect: Andromeda revealed by retail listings show it at PEGI 16, and the ESRB, also revealed by a source other than the ESRB itself (BioWare Social Network) claims it will be rated M.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has gone gold and will be releasing on March 21st, for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.