Bioware’s New Story-based IP Under Wraps

The story weavers at Bioware work on something new, keeping the lid tight

Bioware Manager Aaryn Flynn sat down earlier this week with Game Informer to discuss Mass Effect Andromeda but he also shed some light on Bioware's next move after Andromeda. 

In fact, he states that the game is "Coming along well", implying that it's out of the planning stage and being formed into an actual game. He does stress however that this is in no way impying that it will be announced any time soon.

"We're not going to talk about it until we're confident about what it's going to be and everything […] We've been doing reviews with [EA CEO Andrew Wilson], and I think he likes it."

The team working on this new IP is none other than the team behind Knights of the Old Republic. Flynn compares working on a new IP to working like an indie team as they break new ground into something nobody has made before.

He also states that it's Bioware's plan with their new IP is to "Push technology". In Bioware terms, this means they want to make believable characters with relatable aspects, a bar which Bioware raises with every release. To follow his note about the lack of details on their new IP, Flynn speaks on Bioware's cancled game Shadow Realms and how it may have been announced too early and ultimately added to its demise. The unnamed IP had been announced with no details back in 2012, and it seems that they want to keep it from falling into the same fate. What we do know however is their interest in making a co-op story-based campaign work. It's heavily implied in the interview that this is a major idea with their new IP.