Bioware Wants Your Feedback on Andromeda, News on Update Coming

They know Mass Effect Andromeda has problems, tell them about it.

To beat a dead horse with a statement: Mass Effect Andromeda has issues. It released last week to mixed-to-bad reviews because of animation and voice acting shortcomings. But Bioware actually wants to hear about these problems specifically.

Bioware posted a message on Twitter from the Andromeda team:?

“We’ve receieved quite a bit of feedback, some of it positive and some of it critical.

“The feedback is an important part of our ongoing support of the game, and we can’t wait to share more of our immediate plans with you on Tuesday April 4.”

Bioware has been working on a number of fixes, including banter and codex issues that have actually been spoiling the game for some by popping up early.

So what news will we get Tuesday? Bioware asks that people keep the feedback coming so the team can "Plan out solutions to improve and build" on the game. What do you think reasonably needs to be fixed?