Blizzard apologizes for their “cool meter” being off when creating Mei’s legendary new skin

Community communication is key

Overwatch is currently hosting a Holiday themed event with all of Overwatch being Christmasified with new map designs and a whole lot new cosmetic items to collect, but not everyone is happy with these new items.

The complaint lies in Mei's legendary skins, a skin that according to many Overwatch players doesn't feel that legendary. If all the complaints were boiled down to one word it would be "lackluster", it doesn't have enough flare to it, according to fans. Now Blizzard's Jeff Kaplan, the game director of Overwatch, has reached out and explained to concerned Overwatch players why Mei's legendary skin became what it became and they had some pretty good reasons like how cool and legendary looking something is highly subjective.

"Sorry you are disappointed with Mei's winter skin. We don't have a specific rule for what makes something Legendary or Epic. We just sort of make a gut call based off of what we think is cool. Coolness is very subjective and based off of the community reaction it seems like our gauge was off on this one. Our reasoning for it being Legendary was that we completely redid the visual effects for Cryo-Freeze (we turned the ice block into a snowman). We thought that was pretty special and we had done it specifically based on community suggestions from months ago when people were speculating that we might have a winter event. Apparently, lots of people don't agree with us and that's ok. It's all good feedback and we're learning something for future events.

For people concerned that Mei is not going to get another Legendary for a long time, you need not worry. We have something pretty awesome for her early next year.

Apologies that our "cool meter" was off from yours on this one. We'll try to align better on future content."

So apparently Blizzard's "cool meter" was off, but Kaplan's explanation should calm down most players. There will be a new legendary Mei skin early 2017 which will hopefully look more legendary and Blizzard actually listening to fans when creating a skin like that is pretty cool, so Overwatch players should give Blizzard some credit for doing that.

Source: Blizzard