Blizzard decides to keep ‘’ after all; Re-names it Blizzard

We don't like change.

Back in September of last year, Blizzard attempted to move away from the "' moniker and it didn't really stick. Instead of using '' to refer to Blizzard's online gaming service, the game company wanted to refer to their various products and services individually – for example: "Blizzard Streaming" and "Blizzard Voice," instead of saying something like "it's streaming on" 

It's likely this change came from the addition of Destiny 2 on the service.

Today, Blizzard has announced that they won't be making the transition… Well, at least not entirely. Instead of moving away from as a whole, it will now be referred to as Blizzard 

According to the announcement, back when the change was announced Blizzard knew it would be "challenging" and they "understood that stood for something special—it represents years of shared history and enjoyment, community and friendship."

Now, Blizzard agrees with their fans and thinks should stay. 

" is the central nervous system for Blizzard games and the connective tissue that has brought Blizzard players together since 1996. The technology was never going away, but after giving the branding change further consideration and also hearing your feedback, we’re in agreement that the name should stay as well. Take it from the developer formerly known as Silicon & Synapse, and Chaos Studios, names are important too."

There you have it, has a new hat and it's called Blizzard (no seriously, the logo has Blizzard written above