Blizzard Sues Chinese Overwatch Knockoff Heroes of Warfare

But check out the silly/clever body swaps.

Have you heard of a mobile game called Heroes of Warfare?  If you don't immediately know where this is going, just look at the screenshots we've posted. It looks familiar, doesn't it? Blizzard thinks so too. That's why they're taking the developers to court.

Blizzard China, with their Chinese operator NetEase, is suing the creators of Heroes of Warfare for a blatant rip-off of their hit title Overwatch. According to PC Watch, Blizzard China is demanding an apology and restitution for the copyright infringement and asking Apple to remove it from the App Store.

Blizzard Sues Chinese Overwatch Knockoff Heroes of Warfare

While the copy-paste job is eye-rolling, I have to admit that the character designs are a little interesting. Take a look at this young, anime protagonist Reinhardt.

Blizzard Sues Chinese Overwatch Knockoff Heroes of Warfare

And is that… Mercy's Halloween face on a Widowmaker body?

Blizzard Sues Chinese Overwatch Knockoff Heroes of Warfare

Oh hey, a girl Luccio!

Blizzard Sues Chinese Overwatch Knockoff Heroes of Warfare

Although they're getting the pants sued off them, it's fun to look at their designs. Nice try, Heroes of Warfare. Maybe try something original? Your character design, while a switch-job, isn't half bad. Maybe if the pants aren't sued completely off you, you could try again legitimately? Probably not though!