Blizzard has always had games with worlds bigger than the camera's focus. Most of these worlds were hinted at in cutscenes or explained in tie-in media like novels or graphic novels put out by various publishers. But now, Blizzard announces their intent to self-publish with their own company.
Blizzard Publishing is the new book label from Blizzard Entertainment. According to their release, it is "dedicated to developing and releasing new Blizzard publications and reissuing out-of-print titles in the company’s Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo settings."
The first titles scheduled to release under the new label are the World of Warcraft Adult Coloring Book and a number of out-of-print Warcraft novels and manga like Warcraft: The Last Guardian, World of Warcraft: Rize of the Horde, and two Warcraft Legends volumes. Lydia Bottegoni, SVP of Blizzard Entertainment stands by Blizzard's rich worlds and art beyond the scope of their games.
“The creation of Blizzard Publishing gives us new opportunities to celebrate the art and stories of our games with Blizzard gamers as well as fantasy and sci-fi fans around the world.”
The above-mentioned titles are actually available now on the Blizzard Store with plenty more in the works.