Bodycheck, a new sports game "for people who don't necessarily like sports," is coming to the PlayStation Vita. David Thompson, founder of Ludometrics, took to the PlayStation Blog today to shed some light on his new game, which is a middle-aged take on football (I guess?).
"Personally, I’m a fan of sports. I can sports with the best of them. But I find most sports games of recent years lack a certain something-something," Thompson explained. "Perhaps they’re not physical enough, or they manage not to capture the chaos of play, or sometimes they’re just a bit ponderous."
"Bodycheck will (hopefully) contain that certain something-something. I love reading about the origins of football in the Middle Ages, with 500 players per team and matches lasting days — and the ball was actually a pig’s head."
To that end, Bodycheck will actively encourage punching, scratching, general unncessary roughness. Oh, there's also the fact that you will also be able to use powerful items and cast spells, like shocking your opponent with a lightning bolt.
"So Bodycheck is a sports game with no rules against foul play, magic powers, and (explicit) corruption. And it will be multiplayer," Thompson added. Basically, it sounds like what football used to be before it became the No Fun League.
Bodycheck will aiming for a release in Q3 2014 for PlayStation Vita.