Boy cuts off his own finger to spite his parents’ mobile gaming ban

Mom and Dad, here's a tip...and he's got nine more where that came from!

Many of us are addicted to games in one way or another. Whether we're trying to get to the new game plus content in Dark Souls or just trying to figure out that last impossible Angry Birds level, we stick to it until the bitter end. For some, however, the struggle is definitely real.

According to Sina News, an 11-year-old boy in China named Xiaopeng, cut off his own finger tip when his parents banned him from playing his mobile games. When his parents thought he was gaming on his phone way too much (probably a fair assessment), they did what any sensible parents would do and took his phone away once they saw him grab it first thing in the morning, having already told him it was now off limits. In protest, the boy sliced off the tip of his index finger above the first joint.

After a tricky three hour surgery, the doctor's were able to reattach his finger, but because the boy is so young, its still uncertain whether the reattached arteries will take, allowing the finger to return to normal functionality.