With today’s Brave Frontier patch came daily tasks. When you log in you should receive a pop up menu showing you the three tasks for the day. These tasks can take on a gambit of options. For example, today’s options for me were to win 4 arena matches, complete 5 missions in the St. Lamia Cordelica region, and to fuse 20 units. Nothing that is at all impossible. You can even use you missions in Cordelica to get the units to fuse. Sure you have to go out of your way a bit, but that’s the beauty of options.
At the top of the day’s task screen there is a timer telling you when the tasks will refresh. So yea, you’re going to want to bust those out before the timer finishes. Why? For each task you complete you’ll get BP. Think of BP as a currency you can use to get ores, potions, spheres, and summon tickets. This new feature literally allows you to get new characters without ever having to use gems.
You also have a milestone BP counter that unlocks rewards. For example, 70 BP gets you 5 High Potions, 100 BP gets you a gem, etc. Why aren’t you doing this stuff yet? More options the better. To get to these lists after you start the game, go into the menu, and then select “Brave Pts & Rewards.” Just like that, you’re back!
This new system adds a whole new layer of depth to Brave Frontier. Get out there and collect that BP!