Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt talk dinosaurs and a bad date in first Jurassic World clip

Is it me, or is there a Han Solo/Princess Leia Organa feel to the banter?

We've seen numerous trailers, but for the first time we're seeing an actual clip from the highly anticipated Jurassic World. It's a fairly brief clip that picks up presumably somewhere towards the beginning of the film, and gives us a decent look at the type of relationship between Chris Pratt's character Owen Grady and Bryce Dallas Howard's character Claire Dearing.

From the clip, we've learned that Grady and Dearing have had romantic involvement in the past, though judging by their banter there was hardly any romance involved. It was more of a rocky date in which Owen had show up in board shorts to, much to the chagrin of the "controlling" Dearing. It's clear from their banter, though, that there's still some sexual tension between the two and I'm sure we'll see that explored more throughout the film. 

In addition to their background, the clip also sets the tone for what type of film Jurassic World will be. While there will undoubtedly be some intense moments during the film (especially when the dinosaurs are involved), it also appears Jurassic World will have some lighthearted moments, stemming from Pratt's humorous one liners (that sometimes border cheesy). But hey, it wouldn't be a Jurassic Park film without some cheese.

The clip also sets up the plot for the film, or at least Grady's involvement with the park. Based on the clip, Dearing is trying to recruit Grady to evaluate the paddock for invulnerability (presumably for the park's new creation). The clip also confirms that Grady can, in fact, "control" raptors, though he argues it's a relationship based more on "mutual respect." Of course, that leads to one of Pratt's witty comebacks.

Check out the full clip below.

Jurassic World is set to hit theaters on June 12, 2015.

As a side note, I get a very Harrison Ford-vibe from Chris Pratt. I'm sure I'm not the first to make the comparison, but the more I see Pratt, the more I think of him as this generation's Harrison Ford. He's funny, witty, sexy (that chest hair!), and can make a decent action flick. Can we just sign him up as Indiana Jones, please?