Players currently working toward securing their status as Legendary Guardian in Destiny will have some extra time to complete the required "Moments of Triumph" event. Originally scheduled to end by September 9th, Bungie has extended the deadline to September 14, 2015 at 11:59pm PDT — literally just before The Taken King's release.
For those unfamiliar, Moments of Triumph is a series of quests and objectives players can complete "to become one of the true legends from the first year of Destiny." Should you successfully complete all 10 Moments of Triumph before said deadline, you'll earn the exclusive Triumph emblem.
Related: Destiny: The Taken King VIP Rewards revealed
Bungie also warned players that Moments of Triumph are tied to your active character roster, so deleting a character may jeopardize your progress towards the emblem.
"Remember that your Moments of Triumph are tied to your active character roster. With the new Quest system and 2.0 changes incoming, we understand the appeal to start a new character. However, deleting a character to do so may jeopardize your progress towards the Moments of Triumph. We recommend waiting until you’ve secured your Emblem before deleting any characters that contributed to your Moments of Triumph progress."
You can keep track of your individual progress over on your Bungie profile page.