Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is suffering from the ‘Installing, Queued’ error on Xbox One

Get it a day early they said, DAY ZERO THEY SAID!

Much to the surprise of… well, no one, Call of Duty's servers already seem to be flooded with players, leaving everyone with a few issues when attempting to install the game from disc. Users have been reporting (myself included) that the game keeps switching from Installing to Queued, never actually making any progress.

Luckily, there seems to be an odd fix for this and it actually has mostly to do with the network option. Since there is a day one update that everyone is currently trying to download, the Xbox One can't seem to process all of that information at once, so it's constantly queueing the install before it actually starts installing the game from the disc. The simplest fix to get the game installed is this:

  1. Pause or Cancel the installation of Call of Duty
  2. Press the Menu button on the Xbox One Dashboard and go to Settings
  3. Then go to Network
  4. Scroll down to where it says Go Offline and select that option
  5. If the game is even partially installed, press the Menu button and select Manage Game and Uninstall
  6. Now you can opt to install the game again, and it should work (that did the trick for me). If it does, you can skip steps 7 and 8.
  7. However, if it doesn't, Power Off your Xbox One completely by holding your finger on the console's Power Button for around 10 seconds
  8. Once you're back up and rebooted, try the install again without turning on your Network and you should be good to go.

That's all there's to it. Mind you, you'll still have to eventually download the update since that's required to play online, however you can at least let the game install in the meantime.

Happy CoD-ing!

Thanks Thomas Cassella for the input