Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Revolution Challenge: Beat us and you can win a Turtle Beach XP510 Headset

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2's Revolution DLC has been out on PS3 for a little over two weeks now, which means you've had plenty of time to get accustomed to the four new multiplayer maps. You've put in the time, discovered the best locations, and determined the best loadout for each map; now it's time to test your skills. 

We are hosting a Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 competition in which you, the fans, can prove your gaming expertise by kicking our a** on the new Revolution maps. Better yet, if you successfully defeat us in two out of three matches, you can win a free Turtle Beach XP510 Headset.

So how do you sign-up? First off, the competition is open only to PlayStation 3 owners who have the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC — sorry Xbox owners. All you have to do is go here and enter your email and PSN ID. We'll handle the rest. Once you sign up, be sure to accept our friend request on PSN and be online at 6pm EST on March 28. We'll select four of you randomly to play on the same team against four of us GameZone staffers, so be sure to check for the invite. Remember, you must already have the Revolution DLC.

Did I mention this is also your chance to show off your skill? We will be livestreaming the event on March 28 so you'll have a chance to embarrass in front of our viewers. 

Sign up here for the 4 vs 4 Black Ops 2 challenge and prove to us why PS3 gamers are supposedly "hardcore."