Call of Duty: Black Ops III’s Awakening DLC Pack is free-to-play this weekend

Zombies included.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III's Awakening DLC Pack is free-to-play this weekend

Call of Duty fans, if you're a bit tired of trekking through Infinite Warfare, you might want to take a break this weekend for a little bit of Black Ops 3, especially if you don't own any of the DLC. Starting now, and running through Monday, April 10th at 10 AM PT, Black Ops 3's Awakening DLC is free to play for everyone on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

The Awakening DLC pack comes with four additional maps, Gauntlet, Splash, Rise, and Skyjacked as well as the zombie map, Der Eisendrache. Here's the official description for Der Der Eisendrache:

"Call of Duty: Black Ops III’s epic Zombies DLC season begins here. In 'Der Eisendrache', Origins characters Richtofen, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey embark on a suicide mission to an enemy research facility built upon an archaic site of unspeakable horror. Massive deposits of Element 115 have recently been discovered, delivering inspired new gameplay and — in Zombies tradition — a variety of plot twists and surprises to discover at every turn."

If you're a PC player, the entire Call of Duty catalog is on sale on Humble Bundle this weekend, so if you're looking for a discounted rate this weekend, that's the place to go.

Source: [Charlie Intel Twitter]