Call of Duty: Ghosts joins Xbox One’s backward compatibility library

Despite it having an Xbox One release

Two days ago, Microsoft revealed five games that went backward compatible for the Xbox One, but it looks like they weren't done for the week yet.

Call of Duty: Ghosts is officially available on the Xbox One, thanks to the backward compatibility feature. Yep, that's right. Ghosts, the game that is available as an Xbox One release already, has been made available on the Xbox One via the backward compatibility feature.

Ghosts originally launched in 2013 on the Xbox 360 in the beginning of November, then on November 15th, 2013, for the Xbox One. 

The backward compatibility announcement is useful for anyone who was not an early adopter of the Xbox One and who didn't purchase the Xbox One version of Ghosts (but already own the Xbox 360 version). So, you can go ahead and pop that 360 disk in your Xbox One.