Call of Duty: Ghosts’ lean feature hits a bit of a snag

One of Call of Duty: Ghosts biggest new features this year is the ability to lean out from behind cover. Doing so gives you the ability to take out your enemies while barely revealing your position.

Unfortunately, there may be a slight problem with leaning right now… like the fact that it doesn't reveal your position at all. A brief Vine clip, posted by self-proclaimed "Call of Duty PC Player" Phoenix, has revealed a glitch with the new feature. As you can see, the player leaning out of cover is not at all seen by the player aiming at him. He has a clear shot at the person standing in the open, but remains invisible.

It appears to be a result of an animation glitch which Infinity Ward's Tina Palacios claims "is going to be fixed in TU1." Hopefully, that update accompanies the release of the game on November 5th so that we don't have this type of thing happening on launch day.
